details where you need them most
Whether you just need a solid replica or you want to mimic disassembly & moving parts, we’ve got a replica for you

Large Selection
We produce our replica weapons using various highly advanced machinery production methods.
This gives us the ability to produce large volumes in record time. Our exclusive line of replica products set a new standard in training and we’ve set the bar extremely high.
Our solid dummy training weapons are manufactured using
extremely durable urethane based materials. These replica
training rifles include full length metal barrels, creating a new
level of realism as well as unmatched durability.
Multiple Options
Custom colors (including camoflauge), mutliple material types, and removable accessories are available.
The difference
less storage restrictions
Our replicas are not regulated by the ATF, allowing for easier storage and transfer
accurate appearance
These replica guns and weapons are designed to look just like the real weapon
Most of our replicas require little to no setup – Get to filming and training quicker
TV & movie experience
Our replicas have been featured in hundreds of productions
Years in the industry
We have been providing props and training aids for over 15 years
Fast shipping options
Many products can ship within 24 hours – Contact us to confirm availability